is it illegal to drive without door in louisiana
In the state of Colorado, there is no law that makes it illegal to drive a truck without doors. You would need to be sure you have a rear view mirror however.
no, but you will need side view mirrors.
It depends how small the children are, if they are under a foot and a half then it is illegal.
i was pulled over today and given a warning and the cop said it was illegal in pa to drive without doors he didnt say anything about it being b/c i had no mirror
No, it is illegal to drive without a permit.
It is illegal on all 50 states.
No! It is illegal to drive a car without a licence.
Yes, it is illegal to drive a car in North Carolina without a windshield.
It is not illegal to drive without power steering. Many people who drive very old cars do not have power steering.
In Michigan it's leagle to run with no hood. It's illegal to drive without your bumper/cover.
I have driven on the LIE with no doors or side view mirrors and havn't gotten pulled over. Your best bet to be safe is purchase aftermarket mirrors and attatch them to the Windshield bracket.