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If driving records and ages are the same, a female will usually get you a cheaper rate. If you make false statements, you may find that you are uninsured when you file a claim.

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Q: Is it better to have a male or a female as the primary driver for auto insurance?
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Yes, any legal driver can and must have car insurance.

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Which companies offer affordable auto insurance to young drivers?

Auto insurance prices for young drivers are based on many factors. Is the driver a male or female, does the driver have good grades, does the driver live in a city or out in a rural area. All of these are factors in determining insurance rates. For the lowest cost, a young driver would probably do best to try to get insurance through their parent's insurance bundle.

Can driver's ed lower insurance rates?

Yes, they can help lower insurance rates, but not usually by a lot. Also female insurance rates are usually lower than male ones.

Where can one purchase lady driver insurance?

All insurance companies will provide insurance for female drivers. Check with your local agents at companies such as Progressive, Allstate, State Farm, or Nationwide.

How much in general is car insurance for a new driver?

This will depend on the car you drive and the coverage you select, where you live, male or female, grades in school, driver training, and the company you choose to provide your insurance. You need to do some comparison shopping.

How the probability and statistics is apply in insurance?

They are used to understand how to set insurance premiums. Take, for example, car insurance. The probability of a new driver getting in an accident is higher than an experienced driver. The probability of a male driver getting in an accident is higher than an female driver (in general). The probability of a person who has had many claims filing another claim is higher than someone who has never filed a claim. All these data guide the insurance industry to charge higher premiums to drivers who are new, male or have filed claims in the past.

What companies offer female insurance?

This question is rather unspecific so it will be assumed that 'female insurance' refers to car insurance. Most insurance companies offer car insurance for female drivers and some even cater specifically to female drivers.

Are females or males better drivers?

Men are better.Added:However men have a 77% higher chance of being in a car accident.In 2008,26,616 male drivers died in car accidents while 10,631 female drivers died in car accidents.This is NHTSA stats, other years have a similar rate for males vs. female driver fatalities.This is why insurance rates for female drivers is lower.

What is a female driver called?

taxi woman driver,

Where could one find car insurance policies that would give favourable rates to a woman?

To find car insurance policies for a female driver, one should try price comparison sites such as 'Compare the Market'. Alternatively, try companies that are female-specific such as Sheila's Wheels or Diamond, for example.

Where can one find women only car insurance?

Relatively new businesses such as Sheila's Wheels, Cover Girl, and AutoInsurance4Women, offer insurance plans directed specifically and only to the female driver. However, there is little evidence that these women-only companies offer significantly better rates or protection than the plans offered by major insurance companies without gender restrictions, so a rate comparison is recommended.