Get it to the vet right away! To stop your hamster being cold hold him/her in your hands for a while but please you have to get it to the vet NOW
lukewarm regular just right
oh, right away its actually very good for you. oh, right away its actually very good for you.
Because it is a Canadian territory that is far up north right next to Greenland and the Arctic Ocean.
well you might think that everything might freeze right away, but that's not true. and the sun sun cant go cold it might go away in a million years or so. If the sun goes away or "freezes" we wont find out in a few days because the sun is very far away and it takes time for light to travel. The earth would be very cold like the planets far from the sun and the solar system and earth would be dark.
Fall, and then Winter. Depending on your latitude, it may get cold. Or VERY cold.
Yes, but only a very small amount were made right hand drive from factory
Maybe it has a cold. Its very possible your mouse has a respiratory infection you should take him to a pocket pet vet and get him checked right away.
because it located away from sun....
It is very healthy for your Cockatiel to be near a window by nice natural sunlight but they cannot be by a window during winter time or very cold days unless you have wind and cold resistant windows. If an animal does get too cold they can die just of that but if it is in the summer time right away I say yes that it is very healthy for it. Just make sure it is not too cold for you Cockatiel.
That is oil. VERY BAD!! You need to take your car to your garage right away. You should know this, I'm not even old enough to drive and I know this.