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This might help you to visualize this better.

Let's say the car payment was due on the 10th of the month. At midnight, you still have not made that payment, and at 12:01 am on the 11th, the repossession agent hooks up to your car in your driveway and drives away. No, it is not against the law, PROVIDED:

  1. The lender has contracted the agent to recover the vehicle.
  2. The lender has provided a legal order of repossession.
  3. And, the repossession agent has followed the repossession and collection laws of the US and the state.

It is not likely that this would occur though. The logistics of the situation take time. This is part of the reason most lenders have a five to ten day grace period.

The more likely scenario is that the payment was due on the 10th, was not paid, the five day grace has come, and the payment has not been made. During the five days since the 10th, the lender has contacted the repossession agency, has sent them an order for repossession (electronically), the account has been entered into the repossession agencies system, the account has been assigned to an agent, and at 12:01 am on the 16th, the repossession agent secured the car in your driveway and affected recovery.

Your car being repossessed is not the fault of the lender or the repossession agency in most cases. In the majority of cases it is the fault of the borrower, either from personal failure or unforeseen circumstance.

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Q: Is it against the law to repo someones car if there barely a day late?
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What is the amount of days you have to be past due on a car payment to be considered for a repo?

It is done in time not money i.e. days late.Generally 30-45 days late triggers a repo but they can repo after one day late.

How do you get your car back from a repo when you are only 3 days late?

You pay the LENDER what you are behind and the repo fee and go get it.

Can a bank repossess your car for being 2 weeks late with a payment?

Read your contract. It likely says the lender can repo anytime you are in DEFAULT. Two weeks late is unusual, but they could repo when you are 1 day late.

Can they repo your car for being late 7 days?

Yes, they can repo it for being 7 minutes late. Most generally will not unless its a first payment defaut or they have reason to believe you are going to screw them.

Can a repo man ring your bell late at night?

Of course he can if he wants to

If a truck and a camper are repossed voluntarily is there a penalty?

The "penalty" is a repo on your CR.,higher interest rates on future loans, and a possible judgement/wage garnishment against you. A repo is a repo is a repo in credit files.

If I am 45 days late with my car payment can they repo my car in Pennsylvania?

no they can't

How many days late on car payments before it is repo?

60 days

If they repo your car after one day late how does it appear on your credit report?

as a repossession

What are the repossession laws in Texas?

REPO LAWS DOT COM has a good over view of the rules in Texas.

In Washington state How long do you have before they can come repo your car?

One day late. I live and own 2 repo companies in Washington. Sorry, but that is the law.