everyone toilet papers houses but it depends on if the person will sue you or not
Try Goo Gone.
yes if it gets in someones way they could have a driving accident but if its harmless then no
gasoline...really works great
Silly string lots of silly string
The longest distance silly string has been shot is 20 feet. However, it is advertised that each can of silly string contains 430 feet of string, and one can was even measured to have 1,600 feet of string. Good luck breaking the record!
while they are asleppcover there whole room wall to wall in silly string when they wake up the will not know where they are and try getting a red silly string it is much scarier and effective
String, Waxing Gunk, And Glue.
yes it can. It will turn the paint a different color or take it off. So don't do it.
You have to be 21 to buy silly string, because people vandalise buildings with it
Silly String was invented accidentally in 1972 by Robert P. Cox. He was actually trying to create an aerosol spray string for decorating Christmas trees, but the formula went awry and resulted in the creation of the stretchy, colorful, plastic string we now know as Silly String.
Yes, silly string is flammable. It contains flammable propellants and can be ignited by a flame or sparks. It is important to keep silly string away from heat sources and open flames to prevent accidents.