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In most cases the association is responsible for mantaining the roof and structure. It should the the association's insurance problem.

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Q: Is homeowners insurance or condo insurance or both responsible for leakage from the roof that has caused damage to the floors ceiling and walls?
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If you have pre-existing water leakage from your toilet in your condo and it has ruined the ceiling of the person belowIf you get condo insurance now will it be covered since its already a pre-existin?

Homeowners Insurance Policies always exclude preexisting un-repaired damage.

Are plumbing pipes allowed over ceiling of cath lab?

No. Try to avoid plumbing line in ceiling . If at all there is a leakage then it disturbs the lab.

What is mold caused by?

Mold is caused by the growth of microscopic fungi that thrive in damp and poorly ventilated conditions. These fungi reproduce by releasing spores into the air, which can settle on surfaces and grow into mold when the conditions are right. Organic materials such as wood, paper, and fabric provide nutrients for mold growth.

How can you tell if you have ceiling water damage?

Usually if one has ceiling water damage there will be signs of moisture leakage on the ceiling. One should inspect the roof for loose shingles and make sure that the gutters are cleared from any clogs due to leaves. Other signs might be a musty odour, bulging or sagging ceilings or perhaps even rust showing on metal light fixtures/

Why do you have variation in leakage reactance of induction motor?

leakage reactance in induction motor depends on the reluctance of the path in which the leakage flux is establishing. with the increase in stator current the leakage flux also increases but it cannot maintain linear relationship because of saturation of the leakage flux path, even though current is increasing the flux will not increase and it'll be constant after saturation. this leakage flux links with the stator winding and induces emf which will be opposite to the supply voltage causes drop in applied voltage , the drop in the applied voltage is represented with the leakage reactance. as flux is responsible for the induction of emf , the increase in current does not increase flux after saturation and therefore emf also doesnot increase so the leakage reactance is not constant throughout the machine operation...

What is the spelling of leakage?

You have it spelled correctly. It's leakage.

What is economic leakage?

what is economic leakage

Is a household a leakage or injection?


What is revenue leakage?

Revenue leakage refers to the lost revenue that a healthcare provider could have collected but was unable to due to errors or inefficiencies in the billing and payment processes. These errors can include incorrect coding, uncollected copayments or deductibles, denied claims and underpayments from insurance companies.

Stoma since colorectal cancer - and leakage - can is be anastomotic leakage?

yes anastomotic leakage

What can I do about my basement ceiling that became wet after my toilet leaked into my basement?

Possibly, you should cut a hole into the ceiling and let the remaining water out. If it all dries out (use fans or other ventilation), then you just need to repair the hole. Use kilz under the paint to cover the marks caused by the leakage. If the water was not clean, it might be best to remove the wet ceiling and replace the wallboard so that you do not develop mold or other problems.

What can cause oil leakage?

oil leakage