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Not always because petrol is changed to a gas vapour in a motor car by the carburetor

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Q: Is heat energy needed to change a liquid into vapour?
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When energy is added to a liquid and it changes into a gas it is called?

When enough energy is added to a liquid for it to change to a gas, the liquid has reached its _______________

What is the change in condesation?

Condensation is when water vapour (steam) turns into a liquid. When water vapour are gas particles which have a lot of energy and go in all directions however when water vapor is cooled the particles lose energy and when they bump into each other they do not have enough energy to bounce again so they stay together and form a liquid

Is energy required for each phase change?

Yes energy reqired during each phase change process. solid to liquid(water) = 333.7 Kj/kg liquid to vapour(water) =2257.1Kj/kg

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The Change from a liquid to vapor is called?

The change of liquid the vapour state is known as EVAPORATION.It is a physical change ,because no ne substance is formed.It is only a change of state and the liquid can be recovered by Condensation of the vapour.

What is needed to change a vapour back to liquid?

A condenser. In the Chemistry Lab a condenser consists of a tube which is supplied with cold water. This tube surrounds another tube running through it which has the vapour passing through it. The vapour condenses into a receiver.

When does liquid change to vapor?

it depends what the liquid is. water liquid turns into vapour at 100c

Is rain evaporation physical or chemical?

Physical change from liquid to vapour. The water remains chemically the same whether liquid or vapour.

What is wet vapor?

Wet Vapour is the region which contains a mixture of liquid and vapour. The liquid is saturated liquid and the vapour is saturated vapour. The temperature stays uniform until the entire phase change is complete.

Is evaporation a chemical change?

No, evaporation is a change from liquid to gas (water vapour).

What is the change in the physical state of both lavender oil vapour and water vapour as they cool?

they turn from gas to liquid

How can you Chang matter from one state to anther?

Matter is nothing just a form of energy. So,either adding or removing energy,we can change the state of a matter. example:- ICE is in solid state, if we apply heat energy, it melts and changes to liquid form. Again if we apply heat energy,that liquid will change to vapour form.