Yes its UNIQUE SERIAL # 11942235
Is this Gucci with unique serial number 11912666 real? How much is it sold if original? The image of this Gucci with the above serial number?
The best way to check if a Gucci Watch is real or fake is to check the serial number. Serial numbers can be verified at Gucci stores.
is this real
is this real
a serial number will be sewed in the wallet
All Gucci bags have a serial number on the tag inside. I have just recently found out that manufacters who make gucci products even put the serial number in them. It is so hard to tell a fake from a real one these days. Do not buy from anywhere except the gucci store!
no because it needs to be 069664
yes 100 percent real don't lision to the people how say it is fake i is gust old
100 percent real