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first off i cant see how anyone could say or think for a minute that driving is a privilege it would be if someone gave me a car and paid for my gas,maintenance,tires,insurance and registration that i could see being a privilege.

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Q: Is driving a privilege or a right?
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Driving in ANY State is a privilege, not a right.

Is driving a right or a privlige?

A privilege that can be revoked if abused.

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Driving is a privilege not a right

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No. Driving is not a right- it is a privilege. It is earned, and like any privilege, can be revoked.

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Is driving in Florida a privilege?

It's a priveledge in every state and not a right.

Can your driver license be suspended for reckless driving?

Yes, absolutely. Driving is a privilege, it is not a right.

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Absolutely! Driving is a privilege ... not a right!!

Is driving considered a right?

No.Being allowed to drive is privilege, and has to be earned.

Can California revoke your driving privilege if you have an accident while uninsured?

Sure. You violated the rules, they don't have to allow you to drive. It is a privilege, not a right.

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No, driving a motor vehicle on public roadways in Texas is considered a privilege, not a right.

Is driving in Florida a right?

No. In all states driving is a privilege it is not a right. You must be licensed in order to drive, and to get that license you must pass a written and a driving test. If driving was a right then no licensing would be required which purely is not the case in all the states throughout the USA.