all cars start of with matching locks/ignition and key so the ignition or locks must have been changed
Yes it is the same.
I have a 1997 Grand Cherokee, and my key fits both the door and the ignition.
Yes, originally the door and ignition keys are the same. but if you have to replace your ignition / steering column, you will have a different (re-keyed) key for the door and for the ignition.
Same key as ignition...
Same as removal for the 93 already answered by someone else. Matter of fact, almost everything is the same I think for from 88 or so to 94.
There is a knob you twist beside your steering wheel close to your drivers side door twist it then the dash lights will brighten up this is what you have to do in my 1996 tercel so i would think it would be almost the same in a 95 tercel good luck lol
Yes if the wheels are the same size. But make sure you are installing the correct size tires. Look on driver's door post for correct size.
Yes it is.
It did when it was built.
The square key is ignition and the round key is the door key. It's the same scheme as GM used until recently.