Yes! My iPhone officially turned into a GBA and SNES with a calling function :) CoolROM is the best site ever.
i don't think so I've never gotten a virus from coolrom and Ive got alot of stuff from it but still something called mc cafe said there was only one website that they thougt supspicous it was coolrom i still think they were lying so i guess coolrom has no viruses
One can download the app "CoolRom" directly from the Google Play store or from the CoolROM official website. Both these apps will allow the user to play games using several different emulators.
Online saving accounts are usually reliable and safe, there are some popular ones that are absolutely safe, but there are some others that may not be that reliable. But in general they are safer than other saving methods.
Yup! Safe and reliable and can't get viruses;)
at the following websites: freeroms, coolrom, emuparadise or emulator-zone.
"Yes, Bosley Hair products are safe and reliable. They provide a safe and natural regrowth process for men. They can provide a great hair transplant as well."
I think it is pretty reliable these days, and safe, but many people do not agree that it is safe, and it is certainly expensive to build.