Content insurance differs from home owners insurance in the type of polocies offered. While home insurance concentrates on the actual home structure, content insurance concentrates on personal possesions within the home.
If it is your home, just look at your insurance policy. It will always tell you the name of your insurance company.
Inexpensive Home InsuranceNo, It is not hard to get Home Owners Insurance just because your home is inexpensive.
It depends on what caused the damage to the bricks. Did a car run into your brick home, Then the drivers Auto Insurance policy should cover it. Did a storm blow out your bricks, Then your home owners policy would cover it if you have wind storm coverage. If your home is just old and the bricks are crumbling due to age or lack of maintenance, then they may not be covered on your home owners insurance policy. Home owners Insurance, just like auto insurance does not provide coverage for normal wear and tear or for normal maintenence issues.
Nowadays there are a bunch of companies which offer homeowner's insurance. If you look for Renters insurance, Geico Home owners insurance, Progressive home owners insurance. So just browse around and find couple of quotes from different companies and go with the least but good quote.
There are many ratings sites that provide evaluations on home owners insurance providers, their policies, customer service and rates. I would just try to look for one that is reputable.
No. That would be no different that requiring home owners insurance for someone visiting who uses a wheel chair, crutches, cane, or other assistive device because of their disability.
It depends on what type of insurance policy you have. Just call your insurance agent and ask.
Not likely. The owners liability coverage is generally an option under the home property insurance policy. I don't know of any insurance company that would sell Liability as a stand alone coverage for a home.
If you own a condo, you can get basically the same type of insurance as a homeowner, depending on what type of condo you have. If you condo is more like apartments, you may be able to get insurance similar to renters insurance, while if you have a stand alone home, you can basically get just home owner insurance.
You'll have to contact your insurance company. Not all policies are the same so it just depends on what coverage you selected when you bought your insurance policy.
I believe this question is asking how to cover your investments in gold based on your home owners insurance. You ask him to right a ryder, just like ih D.C..
The occasional water leak is a normal expected part of home ownership and maintenance. Plumbing maintenance is not a scheduled coverage on a home insurance policy. It's just time to call a plumber.