It's man made! Natural means coming from the Earth. This is like grass, wood, etc.(water the most important natural resource)
No, anything that comes from nature alone, is a natural resource. For example: Oil, wood, metals are all natural resources. However, man can make things from natural resources, such as houses or cars.
Yes. Because gas is a natural resource and oil is too.
Personally, I would put cars in the category of Goods, but if forced to choose between your choices I would say material resource. Energy resources would be coal, crude oil, natural gas, wind, solar, etc.
They are electric so we do not waste our natural resource, gas. It is going "greener" too, I think. And apparently they have found a way to make electric cars.
what is the natural resource of the west
yes tin is a natural resource
no i think ther are not natural resource
Water is a natural recyclable resource.
Yes, sand is a natural resource
the main natural resource is water.
No gasoline is not a natural resource