

Is car freshener an example of sublimation?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Car fresheners are an example of sublimation because the freshener gives off a smell, which is really a gas, without becoming a liquid. (Sublimation is a solid changing directly to a gas with out going through the liquid phase)

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Q: Is car freshener an example of sublimation?
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Assuming that the solid air freshener directly becomes gaseous, the process is called sublimation.

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sublimation. example dry ice

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sublimation. for example when dry ice changes directly to a gas.

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Direct transformation of ice in vapours is an example of sublimation.

Sublimation in the water cycle?

Direct transformation of ice in vapours is an example of sublimation.

Why do solid blocks of air freshener disappear after a few weeks without a trace?

because the air freshener substance reacts with oxygen and the chemical x is removed from the substance. after this the solid slowly dissolves over a period of time. actually it follows a sublimation process.

Why do solid blocks of air freshener disappear without a trace after a few weeks?

because the air freshener substance reacts with oxygen and the chemical x is removed from the substance. after this the solid slowly dissolves over a period of time. actually it follows a sublimation process.

Give you an examples of sublimation in science?

The opposite of sublimation, where a solid changes to a gas is called deposition, NOT SUBLIMATION! Hope that clears it up :).

What is example of sublimation in science?

Examples of sublimation are moth balls and dry ice, both of which vaporize from a solid without going to a liquid state. Ordinary ice and snow also does this to a limited degree, though not as much as melting and evaporating.An example of sublimation is dry ice, CO2 (s). Dry ice sublimates at room temperature creating the vapor effect that it is famous for.

Is a candle an example of sublimation?

A candle is an example of melting and burning.