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Q: Is auto insurance coverage of accident from company A good after switch to company B?
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I totaled my Mustang and was able to buy it back from the insurance company. They gave me the Blue-Book value less my $500 deductable. They would not insure it after I repaired it, I had to switch insurance carriers to get coverage.

If you are scheduled to have knee surgery and you switch jobs and put your surgery off for several months can the new insurance company deny coverage of your surgery?

No, HIPAA portability.

Can you switch car insurance companies because of an accident?

Even if you get to do it any insurance company will find about your driving records so you will still get high rates because you are considered a high risk driver.

Is AAA an auto insurance company?

Switch to AAA Auto Insurance today and enjoy savings, security and service. Caring Service: Understanding your car insurance needs, budget and lifestyle—that's the key to finding you the right coverage. Their insurance agents are dedicated to helping you, just like their legendary tow truck drivers

What can you do if your auto car insurance cancels all medical benefits after your accident?

I would switch insurance carriers.

What changes can I make to get cheaper car insurance?

If you decide to switch from basic coverage instead of full coverage you can save a lot. I have GMAC car insurance and I get a great deal. You should check them out.

If you are involved in a hit and run accident that is not your fault should you tell your insurance if you are about to switch insurance companies?

== == Question..........Did you leave the scene of the accident? If so, you should have been charged by police. On the other hand, if you didn't run and the other driver did run away, you are OK. And YES you should all ways tell the TRUTH to your insurance company, or it WILL come back and bite you in the butt. That also applies to the NEW insurance company. Ethically you have a responsibility to be truthful about your past driving record.

What is the best company to get auto liability insurance?

Switch to AAA Auto Insurance today and enjoy savings, security and service. Caring Service: Understanding your car insurance needs, budget and lifestyle—that's the key to finding you the right coverage. Their insurance agents are dedicated to helping you, just like their legendary tow truck drive.

As a New York statedriver who pled guilty to a speeding ticket in Virginia and is about to switch car insurance companies with no points on your license will the new insurance company find out about y?

== == If you fail to be TRUTHFUL in your application to the new company, and they do FIND OUT ABOUT IT, they will drop you like a dead fish. And then you will be out in the cold, with no hope of getting ANY insurance coverage. Tell the truth, and get on with it, and remember to slow down.

Is there a grace period for coverage on health insurance when you switch carriers or lose your job?

I'm not quite sure of your question.

In NY if you have health insurance and have colon cancer but want to switch insurance companies for better coverage does the other insurance company have to take you?

I sure would check before I made the switch. You could be getting into that pesky, ''pre exsisting condition'' thing.......Ask the new carrier first before you switch, (I'd get it in writing).......good luck to you. Actually, in NY health insurers are not allowed to reject you for a pre-existing condition as long as you show continuous coverage with no lapse for a specific period of time. Just make sure that you do not cancel your old policy until the effective date of the new coverage. I have done this many times for my clients. Good luck to you.

Can you switch insurance companies in the middle of cancer treatment and still have coverage?

The question is - getting a new company to take you. HIPAA and other laws require that if they do, the time on the old plan count toward the Pre-X waiting period.