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Generally yes, but you have to check your policy for specific limitations. Watch out though. In California at least, if a driver is not specifically listed on the insurance policy, the coverage drops to state minimums (15/30/5 in CA).

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Q: Is any licensed driver automatically covered by your insurance policy if the car they are driving has coverage Even if they are not listed as a driver on the policy?
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If you have full coverage insurance on your auto do you have to put a new teenage driver on your insurance or would this be automatically covered?

Yes, you have to ad them to your policy I would call the insurance company and offer the drivers licence number to ensure coverage. there is no sense in taking chances with today's insurance company's.

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Theft will be covered by most auto insurance policies as long as you have full coverage insurance. It will not be covered if you only have liability or basic coverage.

Is it lawfull for your vehicle insurance to charge you for what they have covered?

Yes, That's how it works. The insurance company sells you coverage in the form of an insurance policy and you pay a premium in exchange for that coverage. If you don't pay for the coverage then your not covered.

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No. You are not covered in a lapse period. A period of lapse in coverage means " No Coverage ".

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No, it's a separate coverage that you may purchase.

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Insurance coverage is different on a person by person basis. Depending on the type and amount of coverage you are paying, it is possible that Visiting Angels's service is covered.

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Homeowners insurance does not cover dirt bikes. There is dirt bike coverage that can be purchased. Dirt bikes are not required to be licensed in order to use them. Make sure that your dirt bike coverage stipulates that it is covered upon theft because not all policies include theft.

Will full coverage car insurance cover electrical?

Physical Damage coverage on an auto policy covers all parts of the car that are damaged in a covered loss or covered accident. Maintenance issues are not covered on auto insurance.

Will your insurance pay if a non-licensed driver was driving a vehicle under your policy and was involved in an accident?

It basically just depend son your insurance policy. If you have standard policy and the driver was not excluded then you likely have coverage, if you purchased a more economical but limited policy, (AKA Named Driver policy) then it may not be covered. Best advise is to simply contact your insurer to ask if the non-licensed driver will be covered or not.

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Term life insurance is a type of insurance coverage offered to a group of people. This coverage will provide a benefit to the beneficiaries if the covered individual dies during the defines covered period.

Can you have a car in double insurance coverage?

If you are covered by two different insurance companies at the same time.

If you had your granddaughter car insured and she wrecked it is the car covered?

It depends on the type of insurance coverage. If it was Liability insurance only, and she caused the wreck, then it is not covered. If it was Collision coverage, and she caused the wreck, then it would be covered. If she didn't cause the wreck, I'd check with the insurance company of the person who did cause it.