I would think that you would have called your home insurance claims department 1st thing rather than turning to the computer! Call them!
No. This is not a covered cause under a homeowners policy. This is something that was caused by the homeowners neglect which is not covered under the terms of the policy.
No, That would come under A "Watercraft Insurance Policy".
No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Domestic WorkersDomestic workers are covered under the Workers compensation insurance paid by the employer
Yes, Garages both attached and detached are typically covered structures under your homeowners insurance policy.
No, movement of earth or soil is not covered under a homeowners policy just as an earthquake is not covered under a normal policy unless you purchased the additional coverage.
Any motor vehicle is not covered under the HO policy.
Read your policy.
Of course not. Scabies is a skin condition caused by a type of mite. There is not way that this would be covered under a homeowners insurance policy
Yes a furnace is covered property under a homeowners insurance policy. However, the key to whether the policy will pay for damage is the cause of the damage. This is always the key to coverage.
No, Cash, bullion, stocks and bonds and other negotiable paper are excluded from a homeowners insurance policy.
Your lawnmower is typically covered under your personal property portion of your homeowners policy, less your deductible on your policy.
Carpet DamageYes, if it was damaged due to a covered peril under your policy it will be covered.