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Sorry to say, its about 1% better than a 'normal" repo. try to sell the car. You'll get much more than the lender will at auction. Of course, you'll have to come up with the difference to complete the sale. talk with your lender about that idea. Good Luck

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Q: Is a voluntary repossession worse than a normal repo on your credit report?
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How long does a voluntary repossession stay on your credit report?

For Experian, a voluntary repossession will remain on your credit report for seven years from the original delinquency date of the debt.

Is a voluntary surrender weighted the same as a repossession on your credit report?

For all practical purposes, YES.

How will voluntary repossession of my home in Texas affect my credit?

The effect on your credit will depend on how the lender chooses to report it to the credit bureau. Sometimes a lender will be willing to report it 'paid as agreed' or 'settled' entry on the credit report rather than an actual repossession. If it is reported as an actual repossession or foreclosure it will be on your credit for seven years and negatively effect your rating.

What does a voluntary repossession do to your credit?

Any repossession will negatively impact your credit. Organizations using the credit report do not differentiate between voluntary and non-voluntary. Rather, the organizations see that you were not responsible with credit and what you purchasd needed to be taken away. Generically, a repossession is considered the same as a chargeoff or writeoff, so the impact on the credit score may be anywhere from 50 to 200 points, depending on one's personal credit situation.

How does a vehicle repossession affect your credit if everything else in your credit report is good?

Absolutely. Repossession, whether voluntary or involuntary, show on your credit report as a charged off account. This designation is similar to a collection account and shows that you did not repay the vehicle loan. Such a listing in your credit report would have a significant negative impact.

What does a car repossession do to your credit How can you delete it from your record?

It hurts you credit tremondously. It will stay on your credit report for 7 years, and there is nothing you can do about it. Do not allow your car to be repossed. Voluntary repossession on not any better. Contact the lender and work something out.

Does car repossession show on your credit report?

Almost all auto lenders will report a reposession to the credit bureaus. There is a possibility that they won't report to all three credit bureaus as credit reporting is a voluntary system. They may only report to one or two of the bureaus.

Can you remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgment on the repossession?

No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

How does a willing reposession effect your credit?

A repossession hurts your credit score whether it is voluntary or not. The creditor will report late payments, a charge off status, and a balance if one is owed. A repossession may hurt your credit score anywhere from 60 to 120 points.

Is having a voluntary repossession on your credit report bad and if so how does it affect your credit and for how long?

YES its bad you dont get the lowest interest rates IF lenders will loan to you 7-10 years

What will a repossession do to your credit report?

A repossession is a serious negative and will drop your scores.

How will voluntary repossession of a vehicle affect a persons credit score?

Same as a regular repo. The creditor may still put the repossession on your credit report and it would stay there for up to seven years. Notice the word "may", because it is at the creditor's discretion...