You would be better off purchasing an SUV as you have more purchasing options compared to a minivan. You can do much more with an SUV than with a minivan too.
I can give you several sentences.The new plane is more aerodynamic than the old one.That car is designed to be aerodynamic to conserve gas.Birds are aerodynamic.
Yes depending on how aerodynamic the object is will affect how the object will move so which ever object is more aerodynamic it will move faster than the other.
More viewers watch male sports. More advertisers support male sports.
The Olympics has more sports than the Commonwealth Games.
The fuel economy on an average Camper Van would very likely be more expensive than that of a regular minivan. This would depend on the size of the vehicle, but the larger the vehicle, the more it would cost for gas as the weight of the vehicle would effect the fuel consumption.
you can get serious injuries in sports but not on the computer
Studies are always more important than sports because studies have much more vacancies than sports. If you are interested or good in any subject than u can atleast make a career in which you can spend your life happily but in sports if any person performed better than you.. Then you are shown the exit door...
The car needs to overcome aerodynamic drag which increases non-linearly.
More people play real sports for sure !
More people play real sports for sure !