Who stopped the police officer? We were stopped by the police.
If there is a police station or police car nearby, most likely yes.
if you are passing a patrol car that is stopped on the shoulder you need to change lanes
you most likely have warped brake rotors
The answer, both technologically and legally, is "No". Most modern in-car Police radar systems can work while the vehicle is moving.
Drivers should yield to the car on their right if more than one car is stopped at an intersection.
The automobile makes of the vehicles stopped is not captured as a nationwide statistic. - - - - - - - - However, all other things being equal, the police may watch a sports car a bit more closely than a compact or a family sedan.
license and registration/insurance car ownership papers
registration and insurance
It depends on the state and the insurance company.
No but if you're stopped by the police and they ask to see it, you will be required to take it to a police station (of your choice) within 5 or 7 days.