motorbike can out accelerate cars in general (and may seem faster on city streets) but they are pretty evenly matched in terms of top speed
It's cheaper than a car or a motorbike, and faster than walking.
When I ride I notice that I go faster on a motorbike than I do on an ATV.
The motorbike was travelling faster and overtook the car.
A motorbike is louder than a car because the exhaust system is shorter in the bike.
ya motor bike is quite easier to ride than car
well if you strip the car to get rid of any acess weight then it will goi faster also if you get more than one engine then it will go faster by sam
Yes you can ride motorbike as well as car on full car licence
sonic is faster than a car
Walk, Buss, Taxi, Helicopter, Roller skates, motorbike.
yes a car can go faster Than A Cheetah
first of all there are a lot of tings to be noted. bikes are drove faster than car and helmets are less worn.people don't wear helmets and cause a lot of caos.. in cars there are specific arrangement done like cushion from the steringwheel and seat belt .
To go a places that is not that far to go, and it's way easier to drive than a car.