No. Doors classification is typically reserved for means to access the passenger compartment.. in the case of something like a station wagon, SUV, van, hatchback, etc. where it's a unitary compartment, that one would be counted, but the hood/bonnet does not access this, and would not be.
Open the door with your key and pull the bonnet release.
What Year? on my 67 it's right in ront of the drivers door on the side kick pannel.
The fuel tank is up front, under the front bonnet. I'm not entirely sure if the fuel door is on the outside, or under the bonnet. If it's on the outside, you'll see a small door on the cowling by the fender. If not, open the bonnet and there should be a round gas cap on the driver's side of the car.
The bonnet is what Americans call the hood of the car.
under the bonnet of my car/pickup,is a 7.3 lr powerstroke diesel engine,
pull the bonnet catch in the car you plonker
The release lever is just inside the passenger door, under the glove box on the left side (for right hand drive - I believe it's still on the left on LHD cars, but I don't know for sure). Pulling this back will cause the bonnet to pop up slightly. You then need to go to the front of the car and pull the bonnet catch upwards as you lift the bonnet. On earlier models the bonnet catch is under the centre of the bonnet, on later ones it's in the radiator grille just to the right of the chevrons as you face the front of the car.
The latch release lever is on the driver's side on the floor next to the door. If the level is slack it points to a snapped bonnet release cable. To open the bonnet in this situation (on a Fiat Punto), you'll need to get under the car. Jack up the car, placed it on a stand on the passenger side, and reached up underneath. Watch the video:
Front hood.
you pull the bonnet release in car then under bonnet there is black button thingy you pull out and lift bonnet. hope this helps
the bonnet release lever on my 1991 205 is underneath the glovebox on the side by the door, and when the bonnet pops open, there is a small catch roughly in the centre, push it up (towards the bonnet) and pull the bonnet open.