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yes it certainly is mate

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Q: Is a boat considered a motor vehicle in Michigan?
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Is a jet ski or boat considered recreational vehicle?

It is considered a vessel( boat ).

How do you get from northern Michigan to door county wi?

One can use a vehicle to drive around Lake Michigan, an airplane, or a boat.

What year motor is considered a late model for mercury outboard boat motors?


What is the verb form of the word motor?

"motor" can be used as a verb. It means to travel in a motor vehicle or to convey something in a motor vehicle. Example: I motored across the US in my new car. The man motored me across the lake in his speed boat. "motorize" is a verb meaning to add a motor to, to equip with a motor.

Can you drive a boat when your minnesota drivers license is revoked?

Unless MN law equires that boat operators possess a valid motor vehicle operators license before they can pilot a boat, yes, you can.

What is the length of a motor boat?

The length of a motor boat is not restricted

What is the difference between a propeller and impeller?

Propeller is external (outboard motor on a boat) Impeller is internal (vehicle water pump).

What is a sailboat with an outboard motor considered?

A sail boat with an outboard motor is still a sailboat UNTIL the motor is turned on then it becomes a powerboat. A sailboat with it's sails up and the engine running is deemed to be a motor-sailer.

When did Motor Boat Cruise end?

Motor Boat Cruise ended in 1993.

When was Motor Boat Cruise created?

Motor Boat Cruise was created in 1957.

Is boat insurance mandatory in Michigan?

Insurance becomes mandatory in Michigan if the boat is equipped with a 50 horsepower and above engine.

What does it mean to motor boat someone?

Making the sound of a motor boat between a woman's breasts. See