

Is a Cyclops hetero or auto?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is a Cyclops hetero or auto?
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Is eubacteria auto or hetero?

Eubacteria can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic eubacteria can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis, while heterotrophic eubacteria rely on external sources for nutrition.

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hetrotrophs because they cannot make their own food. Of course

How those roots Heterotroph and Autotroph are related to the meaning of these words?

The prefix "hetero-" means different, while the prefix "auto-" means self. In biology, heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and need to obtain it from other sources, while autotrophs are able to produce their own food using energy from sunlight or inorganic compounds. These terms are related to the different ways organisms obtain their energy and nutrients for survival.

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Actinosphaerium is a heterotrophic organism, meaning it obtains its energy by consuming other microorganisms or organic matter in its environment.

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Hetero Drugs's population is 5,000.

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Hetero pharmacy's population is 1,500.

When was Hetero pharmacy created?

Hetero pharmacy was created in 2008.

When was Hetero Drugs created?

Hetero Drugs was created in 1993.

What is the meanings of these prefixes hetero and homo?

Hetero = different/other Homo = same

Is sugar a hetero or homo?

Sugar (sucrose) is a compound not a mixture.

What does the root word hetero mean?

heterosis, heterologous, heterodoxy, heteroousian, heterogenous, heterochromatic, hetero(P)thallic, heterokaryon