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If your home is financed it is mandated by the terms of your mortgage contract. Failure to maintain the insurance required by your mortgage company is ground for Mortgage Default but it is not mandated by law. So if your home is paid off free and clear then it is just up to the homeowner if they want it or not..

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Q: Is Texas windstorm insurance mandatory
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What is covered by Texas windstorm insurance?

Windstorm related losses are covered by Texas Windstorm Insurance

Boat insurance is mandatory in Texas?

No, boat insurance is not required in Texas.

Do you have to have windstorm Insurance in Texas?

No, But if you live near the coast it might be a good idea

Can you register a vehicle without insurance in Texas?

No. Mandatory auto insurance is a state law in Texas.

Which insurance companies covers Tornados?

A tornado is a windstorm. All homeowners Insurance companies offer coverage for windstorm damage.

Is Texas car insurance mandatory like it is in some states?

Car insurance is mandatory nation-wide. Most states require a minimum coverage of liability, but some states do require more.

What has the author Gordon August Albert Bubolz written?

Gordon August Albert Bubolz has written: 'Farmers'-mutual windstorm-insurance companies' -- subject(s): Agricultural Insurance, Windstorm Insurance

Do you need windstorm insurance if you are a homeowner?

If you have a mortgage, it may be required.

How do you add windstorm insurance to your policy?

Homeowners Windstorm InsuranceMost homeowners Insurance Policies come standard with Windstorm Coverage unless you are in certain high risk areas. If your policy does not already have windstorm coverage and you need or prefer to have it you should contact your Insurance agent to ask about adding it to your policy.If the company you are currently with does not offer t he coverage for your area you may need to purchase through another provider.

Is boat insurance mandatory in Alabama?

No, boat insurance is not mandatory in Alabama.

Is boat insurance mandatory in Pennsylvania?

No, boat insurance is not mandatory in Pennsylvania.

What type of health insurance option did Barack Obama signed into law?

Mandatory Insurance