Swinton Insurance is located in Manchester, England. They have over 600 branches located throughout the UK. They provide many different types of insurance including home and car.
Swinton Home Insurance is located in the United Kingdom. Reviews of this insurance company are not good. Out of a possible 5 stars, Swinton Home Insurance received one star.
The customer service phone number for Swinton Insurance is 0800 056 5631. It is such a strange number because the insurance is located in the United Kingdom.
Swinton Headquarters are located in Manchester, United Kingdom. Their street address is 6 Great Marlborough Street and they specialize in insurance and was founded in the year 1957.
No, there isn't a Swinton insurance in Australia; it's a UK company. However, Australian insurance group AIG did sell some of its UK branches to Swinton insurance.
"Like any other car insurance, Swinton car insurance offers insurance on cars so that if you get into a car accident, you have the insurance to cover you in costs."
Rates for swinton insurance are variable just like any other insurance company but they do offer perks and discounts such as up to a %65 discount for having no claims.
Swinton Insurance of the UK offers insurance for the home, car, morotcycle, breakdowns, van, taxi, caravan, motorhome, business, life and family, and travel.
"Swinton insurance is based in the United Kingdom and provides home insurance options to residents of the United Kingdom. To find out more about their plans, you can visit their website where they have comprehensive details."
Swinton Motor Insurance's phone number is 0800 072 9018. Phone is the best way to contact the company. The other way to contact the company is to visit your local Swinton Motor branch.
"No, Swinton Home Insurance is only available in the United Kingdom and is not available in the United States. They can be contacted by phone at 0800 072 3768."
Swinton offers the standard car insurance that is required in the United Kingdom. They also have five different breakdown packages you can subscribe to as well.
Swinton Car insurance is a company that serves the residents of the United Kingdom. It's cheaper than most insurance companies over here because they have a cash back program.