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Q: Is State Farm Insurance a subsidiary of Allstate corp?
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Who are the competitors for allstate insurance company?

State Farm is one competitor..

How can I get State Farm insurance?

This is a very interesting question. The answer is quite simple and easy to find. You can get Allstate Farm insurance by contacting your current insurance provider and telling them.

How many branches does the Canadian automobile insurance company State Farm Insurance have?

The Canadian automobile insurance company State Farm insurance does not have any branches. It is however affiliated with several other subsidiary companies.

Where can I find low cost auto insurance?

Allstate offers low rates on auto insurance. You can also try State Farm insurance.

Where can I get life insurance forms?

State Farm offers life insurance at reasonable rates, as does Allstate. Shop around for pricing because it will depend on your demographic. Get Allstate and you can be better protected from Mayhem.

What does the example of a insurance company mean?

The name of a company that provides it, such as Allstate, State Farm, etc. etc.

What car insurance companies are there?

Some of the top car insurance companies in the USA are Nationwide, State Farm, Allstate, Geico and Progressive.

Where may I find low rates for auto insurance?

Allstate offers low rates on auto insurance. You can also try State Farm insurance.

Where can I find online renters insurance?

Renters insurace and coverages vary by state as insurance is regulated in each state. Many comapnied such as Allstate and State Farm offer renatl insurance plans.

What sites will allow you to compare home insurances?

Allstate and State Farm are two of the most widely advertised insurance companies that offer home insurance. You can also insure other things with Allstate, so get Allstate, and be better protected from Mayhem.

What insurance companies offer boat insurance?

There are many insurance companies that offer boat insurance. These include: gieco, progressive, allstate, globalmarine, state farm, nationwide.