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No. You will have to use your health insurance first.

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Q: Is Medical pay on an Auto Policy primary over Health Insurance or secondary?
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When will secondary health insurance not pay?

if primary paid more than allowed amount or if patient has primary insurance

If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?


You have Medicare as primary insurance and BCBS as secondary insurance Do you pay the copay on the secondary insurance?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of secondary insurance you have - is it a group health plan? Is it a supplement? If Medicare is primary, there are still deductibles, copays, coinsurance that would need to be satisfied by your secondary insurance. Based on your question, I'm assuming that you have a group health plan with a copayment as your secondary insurance. If so, then yes, you would pay your copayment but it would not exceed the part B deductible.

What does the word payer mean in terms of health insurance?

The primary /secondary payer is usually the insurance plan covering the claim

If you and a spouse have different health insurance but have never designated one as primary or secondary could this cause problems when you do designate primary or secondary?

If you have insurance through your employer, and you are the policy holder,(the insurance is in your name) this insurance will be primary for you, and your spouses insurance policy will be secondary. The insurance policy thru your spouse's employer, (your spouse is the policy holder, or the insurance is in their name), this would be primary for your spouse, and your policy would be their secondary. Here's the phamplet from Medicare

Secondary health care providers?

Secondary health care providers are medical specialists with specific expertise that your primary care provider will refer you to.

Can you buy secondary travel insurance without primary insurance?

Put simply, yes, you can buy travel insurance or travel health insurance without primary insurance. That's just as well, as your primary insurance may not cover you (or cover you completely) when you travel overseas.

Can you see a private doctor if you have private insurance HMO Blue as primary and mass health as secondary my physician of 20y would no longer see me once I got Mass Health.?

Medical providers are not required to take patients, regardless of the type of coverage.

how does secondary insurance work?

Here's a basic example of how secondary health insurance works. You go to the doctor, he charges you $100 for the visit. Your primary insurance pays him $50 and disallows $10. The remainder of the bill, $40, then either comes to you to pay or to a secondary insurance. In most cases the secondary will pay most, if not all of the $40.

Will secondary health insurance cover what primary does not?

Not necessarily; a secondary insurance policy or plan might only provide additional benefits up to the maximum that it will pay for a specified service. If both plans have rates that are similar, this might result in a small additional payment. Some secondary insurance or health plans might pay up to their maximum -- in addition to what the primary pays, which would result in a higher payment against a claim.

Primary and secondary health insurance?

You could have two insurance companies pay the same medical bill or claim for a date of service through a process of subrogation where the first insurance company determined by the effective date of coverage will pay their portion of the bill and the second insurance company will pay the balance. This process is called coordination of benefits. Secondary medical insurance is a second level of insurance coverage. Under most circumstances, the two policies are independent of each other. One policy may pay for a service while the other may not. The primary policy must pay first, then the secondary. The choice of which policy is primary or secondary is established by a shared rule between insurance companies. It is not the policy holder's choice. Examples of Primary/Secondary coverage: A husband and wife both work and carry the medical insurance offered by their respective employers. The husband adds his wife to his policy. The wife adds her husband to her policy. Under most circumstances, the husband's plan would be his primary policy and his wife's plan would be his secondary policy. In like manner, the wife's plan would be her primary policy and her husband's plan would be her secondary policy. Secondary insurance should not be confused with supplemental insurance. Supplemental policies usually abide by the primary insurance guidelines. If the primary allows the charge, the supplemental will allow the charge. Most supplemental policies cover the charges you would normally pay out of pocket. For example: A Medicare supplemental policy would cover the 20% coinsurance left over after Medicare pays 80% of the allowed amount.

Can you be on two health insurance plans?

Yes, one will pay primary and one will pay secondary. Secondary: a policy that pays the provider's leftover medical bills. Some might still exclude the payment toward bills assigned to meet the primary policy's deductibles or copayments so you have to ask. This happens for instance if a husband or wife covers their spouse on their insurance but he/she also participates in their employer's plan. The spouse's coverage would pay the bills after their own medical plan paid.