Is Justin, will you wash the car it really needs it. A sentence?
The correct place is following the word home in the sentence, as follows: After school she needs to walk home, do her homework and wash dishes.
Obviously, yes, he does.
I could use another towel, please. I like that towel. The towel is very plush.
Depending on how old they are I am not sure I would wash them. I would take them to a dry cleaner. Fabric can fall apart really fast when it is old and needs to be treated with special care.
Every Thursday, Emily washes the laundry.
well not really but its better to wash for 20 seconds
I love Justin Beiber..............he's hot!
I will wash the dishes if you will dry them.
not really.
It is supposed to be wash their hands not your hands because that wiuld be weird having someone wash your hands for you.
When the Native Americana's wash their house they have to wash all eight sides of the hogan.