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Q: Is Coverage A included in Section 1 of the homeowners insurance?
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What will happen if someone sues your homeowners insurance How will this affect me?

First the suit will not be filed against the insurance company but against you as the homeowner. Your insurance company will come in and protect you from the suit. This is covered under your liability section of the insurance policy. Your coverage includes legal fees in addition to the amount of coverage on your liability section.

Homeowners Insurance Policy-Section 2 Personal Liability Coverage?

Can a homeowner get a third party liability insurance covering ONLY visitors who might have an accident while on the premises (not the house itself and its furnishings and belongings) Thank you Elie

What type of liability insurance can you get to lease a commercial building for personal non-business use or is an umbrella policy from your homeowners liability insurance enough for the landlord?

Umbrella policies are often written as "following form" which means it only provides coverage if your primary (i.e. homeowners policy) provides coverage. Ask your insurance agent if you need to add the new location to the liability section of your homeowner's policy. You may also need "fire legal coverage" which can pay the landlord if you accidentally cause fire damage to the leased building.

Will your homeowners insurance cover damage to your neighbors property caused by fire damage?

Generally no. The only time that your homeowners policy will cover property of anyone else is if you are legally liable for the damages. For instance if you started a fire on purpose for some reasonable need that got away from you and they neighbor demanded payment. In this case you turn it over to your insurance company which will decide how to proceed. You liability section provides coverage for damages and they will provide legal defense in addition to the liability coverage if necessary. I will caution you that liaiblity claims will make you typhoid Mary to insurance companies and you will not have luck getting or keeping homeowners insurance.

If someone other than a resident of your home falls on a step is your homeowners insurance responsible?

They could sue you for negligence and loss would be covered under your liability section of your homeowners policy. Also, they could recover doctors bills or medical for the incident under your guest medical coverage.

What is homeowners liability insurance?

The liability section of your homeowners insurance covers items that you are legally obligated to pay for injuries to other persons due to your negligence. It will also pay for legal fees to defend you if you are sued for such items.

What is a risk specifically excluded from a homeowners insurance policy?

If you take a look at the "Exclusions" section of your policy you will see several perils which are specifically excluded. For example, if your home is damaged by "war" then your insurance company will not provide coverage for the loss. There are several excluded perils. Take a look at your policy for more examples.

Is damage to a laptop computer covered by homeowners insurance?

Laptops covered under homeowners Insurance PolicyIf the laptop is scheduled property on your homeowners policy it will naturally be covered. If you do not have scheduled contents coverage then there may be no coverage for it. A quick call to your insurance agent could get you the answer.AnswerIf the laptop is used for business purposes, there may be exclusions or limitations under your policy. Also, it must be damage by a "covered cause of loss" as described in your policy. If it is not used in business and was damaged by a covered cause as described in your policy, then coverage would likely be afforded as personal property, subject to your policy deductible and depreciation if you do not have "personal property replacement cost coverage."

Is homeowner insurance when some one helps the owner make repairs and gets injured?

Depends, homeowners insurance does have a liability section in it, and you are liable for the person helping you gets hurt, then yes, but if you are not liable then your insurance will not respond, here in ONtario there is a section in the liability called Voluntary medical payment where you can provide monies to the injured person wheather you are liable or not. This is usually limited to an amount such as $500-$2000 and this coverage does not require you to pay a deductible but will affect your insurance premium wise.

Will insurance cover theft of property from your house?

Yes, that coverage should be under the personal property section of your policy.

What section is responsible for compensation for injury or damage ot property?

The section responsible for compensation for injury or damage to property is typically covered under the insurance policy's liability coverage section. This section outlines the coverage provided for damages or injuries caused by the insured party to another person's property. If the damage is covered under this section, the insurance company would typically reimburse the affected party for the cost of repair or replacement.

Does express insurance only offer auto insurance?

Express Insurance offers auto insurance along with homeowners insurance. There motto is direct savings and local service. Although they have stricter qualifications for their polices, they want to provide better service to the policyholder who qualify. They have a quick quote section section on their website that will help you compare rates quickly!