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Q: Is 7 foot bed considered a long or short bed for a truck?
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Is truck short vowel or long?


Is truck a short or long vowel?


What is a 1972 Chevy c-10 wheelbase?

They had a short wheel base truck and a long wheel base truck. The short bed truck had a 115" wheelbase. The long bed truck had a 127" wheelbase.

What was the bed length on a 1997 Ford F-250 short bed truck?

6.9 feet long the width is about 5.2 feet. Measured in tenth of a foot with an engineering tape

How long is a flat bed truck?

depends if it is short bed or a long bed

Will a 1974 Chevy truck long bed frame fit a 1967 Chevy short bed truck?


Buy a Used Truck?

form_title=Buy a Used Truck form_header=Save money, but get the features you need by purchasing a used truck. Do you want a short wheel base truck or a long wheel base truck?= () Short () Long What kind of truck are you looking for?= () Quarter Ton () Half Ton () Three Quarter Ton () Full Ton How many miles can be on the truck?=_

Does full have a long or short U sound?

The U has a short OO sound, as in good or foot.

Does good have a long or short o?

The word good has a short OO sound, as in book and foot.

Is llama legs long or short?

Relatively speaking, they are considered to be short.

Is 6.5x55mm considered short action or long action?

Usually short.

Does brook have a long or short oo sound?

Brook has a long "oo" sound, pronounced as /bruːk/.