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It is your responsibility to make sure the vehicle you are driving is insured. Just because a dealer allows you to leave the lot without insurance does not make you any less liable for any damage caused in an accident. In every state, except NH and WI, you are required to meet certain financial responsibility laws, the easiest way to do this is to buy car insurance.

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Q: In TX can you take the car off the lot with no insurance?
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Fast car insurance is like regular insurance but you get your quote and car insured faster and more convenient. You can get quick responses from many possible insurers and finalize a policy before you even take your new car off the lot.

How long do you have to get auto insurance after purchasing a car?

You must have auto insurance before you drive the car off the dealer's lot.

When you buy a used car in Georgia how long do you have to get insurance in Georgia?

You need insurance the very moment you drive the car off the lot.

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How soon do you need car insurance in Texas after you buy a car?

Before you drive it off the dealer's lot.

When you finance a car do you have to have insurance on it before you drive off the lot?

Absolutely! The dealer is not supposed to let the vehicle out of the lot unless proof of insurance is shown.

In Georgia If the amount of Your car is paid off but they added a lot of money for insurance purposses can they take your car if you don't pay for the insurance?

READ your contract. IF you have already agreed to the lenders conditions of ins. coverage when you signed it, YES, they can do so.

Your friend sold you his car take over paymentsHe took the car off his insurance you insured the car and then totaled it but you are not on the title Will your insurance company pay for it?

As long as you have the title that he signed off of it and you signed on and you have insurance on the vehicle it will be covered.

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Can you return a new car you just purchased?

No, the car depreciates after you take it off the lot from the dealership.

In California do you have to have insurance to buy a car in cash from a dealership?

Yes, it is state law that cars have insurance so they won't let you drive off the lot without proof of insurance.