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Q: In New York state is it illegal to have a drivers license and no insurance?
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Is it illegal to drive a car in California without a drivers license or insurance?

It is absolutely illegal to drive in California and any other state or country in the civilized world without a license. Insurance is mandatory in the state of California and most likely every single state of America and the Canadian provinces.

Can you get car insurance with an out of state license?

Normally yes. Insurance companies are concerned that they insure drivers with valid drivers license, the State where it is issued is really not a concern.

Do you need insurance to get a drivers license in Texas?

I am pretty sure you need insurance in every state except Wisconsin to get your license. In Wisconsin it is only illegal to have an accident without insurance (how silly is that!?). In ANY event, you should always have insurance to drive.

Can you get a Wisconsin drivers license if you have a suspended license in Florida?

That would be considered illegal and you wouldn't be able to get insurance. You cannot hold a license in more than one state at a time, and a suspended license counts.

Can you have a drivers license from one state and insurance from another state?


What kind of car insurance can you get with a suspended drivers license?

In the state of Georgia, the state will reguire a 6-months prepaid policy along with a SR22A filing in order to get your license back. In the state of Georgia, you can't get insurance with a suspended drivers license cause your not legal to drive with a suspended license.

Can you get auto insurance in AZ with an out of state drivers license?

Yes you can. I am insured with Insurance Locators in Mesa.

If your drivers license is suspended in Florida for lapsed insurance can you get a licence in another state?


If your drivers license is revoked in one state can you get a drivers license in another state?

If your drivers license is revoked in one state, can you get a drivers license in another state?

Do you need a drivers license in a state to get auto insurance in that state?

This is a question that depends on the policies of individual insurance carriers. Some companies require you to have a license in the state but most do not. Most companies will let you keep your current license until the license renews then you must get a license in the state where you live.

If your husband is a non-driver do you have to add him to your insurance?

Only if he has a drivers license in that same State.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance in California?

I think you need to get a driver's license in any state to get car insurance period. An insurance company will not supply you with insurance if they don't have proof that you are licensed to do so. My suggestion to you...get a license!