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Mandatory penalties include automatic loss of license for one year, $300.00 fine and a period of community service to be determined by the Municipal Court. N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2 There are also court costs and insurance surcharges of $250.00 per year for three years. Failure to produce at the time of trial an insurance card or insurance policy covering the date of the offense creates a rebuttable presumption that the person was uninsured when charged with the offense.

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Q: In New Jersey what is the penalty for driving without car insurance?
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The current age of driving in New Jersey is 17.

How many insurance points is a ticket for driving without a seatbelt in New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, the fine for failure to wear a seat belt is $44. Since it is not a moving violation, there are no points added to your drivers license.

What is the penalty in NJ for driving without a license and being an undocumented immigrant?

The driving without a licence charge would most likely be dropped, seeing as it's a comparatively minor issue. As for being an illegal immigrant, that removes the case from the jurisdiction of any department in New Jersey, and it then becomes a federal case under the INS. In the end, you would be deported.

What are the insurance rates in New Jersey?

Car insurance rates vary from person to person depending on your driving record. The best way to find affordable insurance rates in New Jersey is to get multiple quotes. This website offers a free tool that can help you find the right plan for you,

What does cure insurance cover?

Cure Auto Insurance is a not-for-profit company which offers auto insurance. They are a regular insurance company operating out of New Jersey. They offer lower rates, it is based on your driving record, and 24 hour customer service.

If 182 is the insurance code in New Jersey what is name of the insurance company?

New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company

What is the New Jersey law regarding car insurance?

New Jersey's policy for car insurance is that it is required by law. Without it, you can be arrested and fined, with your car and license suspended. Fortunately, a basic policy has been made available to everyone.

Where can one compare insurance providers in New Jersey?

One can compare insurance providers in New Jersey on the State of New Jersey website. The Department of Banking & Insurance on the State of New Jersey website lists the licensed insurance providers for that state.

Who regulates the title insurance industry in New Jersey?

New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance

Does Geico offer New Jersey car insurance for bad drivers?

Geico does offer insurance for someone with a less then perfect driving record. The Premiums are fairly large although for someone with strikes on their record.

What are the penalties associated with a DWI in New Jersey?

The penalty for a DWI offense in New Jersey is the removal of one's license for 7 months for a first time offense if they fail to provide a test. The maximum penalty is 12 hours jail. For a second offense this increases to 2 days jail and 2 years without a license.