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the ensurance covers the car, not the person, so if you have your insurance in your car, then you can proove that the car is ensure and what ever ensurance you have, it goes from there

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Q: If your son borrows your car is he covered with your insurance?
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Does your son who attends an out of state college and lives in that state have to be carried on your insurance policy if he borrows a friends car?

if hes not i wouldn't suggest letting him drive the car

If your son is a learner driver with you in the car does he still need insurance?

So long as your son has your permission to drive your car, he is covered under your insurance policy. (As long as he has a valid driver's permit or license)

If you have no car insurance can you drive a car?

If you have a valid drivers license and permission to drive the car, then yes, you can drive the car as long as the owner of the car has insurance on it. Unless the person is part of the household and has been deemed a non-covered driver by the car owner's insurance company. Let's say father has insurance on car. Son live's in house, however has been revoked or has a horrible driving record. Son has permission by father to go to store. Gets in a wreck, doing injury and insurance company had son named as not a covered driver. No coverage then.

What if your son or daughter hits your car?

If she is covered under your insurance policy, in most states in the United States she is not covered. That is because some dishonest people will deliberately crash their cars into each other to collect the insurance. Now if she has her own insurance, even the same company, she will be covered.

Can a son drive parents car?

Yes, if you have their permission, are a licensed or permitted driver, and are covered by insurance and the vehicle is properly licensed and working.

Do you have to get CAR insurance for my son if you have 3 cars?

You need to carry auto insurance with liability coverage on any car operating on the road. To add your son he will need to be the primary driver on one of the cars and secondary on the others. This would keep you covered if he wrecked his primary car, or any of your other cars.

If your 22 year old son has his own car and insurance and he wanted to borrow your car one day - would he be covered because he has his own car insurance or would you have to add him to yours?

your liability insureance should grant him coverage, but you need to check your insurance plan to be sure.

Son not listed on insurance policy in Ma totaled my car No other vehicles involved no injury Will my insurance company cover me?

If you gave him permission to use the car (called "Permissive Use") you should be covered. Your insurance rates will likely go up.

Can a son that has no insurance drives parents car?

If your parents put your name on their car insurance, that is you as a named drived you will be able to drive their car. This is often a cheaper way of insuring you to drive a car than having you as the person that takes out the car insurance. You will not be covered to drive other cars however. Their are some insurance companies now aimed at insuring young drivers which is something that you could look into.

Is a step-son with a drivers license permit covered by your insurance?

Not unless you alerted the insurance company, about him

If you place your son on a 'named driver exclusion' he will not be covered but is it still legal for him to drive?

If your son has a valid drivers license , he can legally drive your vehicle. But- he will not be covered by your auto insurance policy for any damage incurred while your son was operating the automobile. Therefore You would be liable (out of pocket) for any damages.In some states, he cannot legally drive any vehiclewithout car insurance.

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