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Enroll in drivers ed. They have cars for you to use and you get an insurance break.

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Q: If your parents don't own a car how can you get your learner's permit if you need to be insured by them?
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What are the rules of driving with a learners permit in Minnesota?

dont do it

How do you pass the Florida's learners permit?

All you have to do is learn your signs and rules of the road such as what not to do on the road and what you can do on the road. Also you need to know what ceartin lines on the road mean you dont actually drive to get your learners permit.

Where can you get a 50cc scooter license?

I dont know where you live, but in Virginia all you need is a valid learners permit.

Did Justin Bieber get his license?

hey im une bick fan from justin and i dont a know sorry

How many lessons are needed for a learners permit?

When I got my permit I took a drivers Ed class that was provided at my school. Then when I was through with that I went to the DMV and took the computerized test. When I finally passed that my 2nd time they gave me my learners Permit.

Who will insure an unlicensed driver?

No one. If the person does not have a valid license they cannot be insured for any type of coverage concerning motor vehicles. not true just get your motorcycle permit and you can get insured i know plenty of people who dont have motorcycle licence and have insurance

How long can a parent insure a child Can a child be insured by a parent after they are of legal age and not in school Example can your parents insure you 22 years old under their auto policy?

im 17 years old...the answer is yes pending on if you have a permit if you have a licence and what state the answer is still yes though i dont advise it

How d0 you find out if a car is insured?

if you dont already know..then its probably not insured..

Can you get a learners permit with online drivers ed?

you get your learners permit after you take drivers ed.First you will need to take drivers Ed if you are under 17 in a half and a good website would be it cost like 20 dollars plus use the code X3K-DEB-55A for a discount when you complete this you will get a certificate and you can then get a drivers book at the DMV and study and take it. You do not need to make a appoitment just go there and take it.

You are a 16 year old female will be 17 in may and want to move out but you dont know if your parents would permit Is it possible for you to move out without them making you come home?


Can your 16 yr old daughter get a work permit to drive if she was stopped driving with her learners permit?

Nope ... she broke the laws by driving without another licensed driver in the car while she was driving. A "work permit" does not issue authorization to drive a car without being properly licensed. There are other transportation means for people to get to work ... public buses, taxicabs, bicycles, walking, etc. no guaranted a work permit is to work NOT TO DRIVE!''If you cant do the time dont do the crime!''

Can you get a Butterfly knife permit in Wisconsin?

You dont need a permit, just buy one...