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Yes, you can purchase your own car insurance. However, you must add your mother (the co-signor) as an additional insurance but non-operator. There is no additional premium for her. She is added on so she is protected an additional registered owner.

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Q: If your mom co-signed a car loan for you and you signed the loan too can you get car insurance for the car in your name only?
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If you cosigned a loan for your girlfriend who you were going to marry how do you remove your name from the loan and the insurance agreement now that the marriage has been cancelled?

She would have to get another loan to pay off this one or get the loan company to agree to drop you. There is nothing you can do to get your name off the loan. Your potential marriage had nothing to do with the loan. You were simply agreeing to pay the loan if she didn't.

If you cosigned for a car loan how can you get out of the loan?

The loan must be paid off or the lender must agree in writing to remove your name from the obligation.

Sister cosigned a car loan but they registered the car in her name is that legal?

Its half hers.

Can a parent loan be signed over to a student?

In the US, unfortunately the answer is no. A parent PLUS loan must stay with the parent. If you cosigned on a loan for your child and the loan is federally guaranteed, then you can get your name off of the loan by having your child consolidate the loans. If you need help with the consolidation of the student loans, click on the link at the bottom of this text box.

What are the options if an exfiance wants off a cosigned student loan but the borrower cannot get another loan to pay off or refinance the cosigned loan and no the loan has never defaulted?

Since your ex-fiance cosigned on the loan, they are just as much obligated to the contract as you are. The only way they could get their name "off the loan" was, as you said, for the original borrower to obtain a new loan, in order pay off the original obligation. If this is not possible, then she is locked into the original contract.

If you cosigned for an auto loan and your name is on the title do you have a right to the auto?

Absolutely, name exists on title therefore you are part owner.

Is there any way to get your name off of a loan if you cosigned for a car loan while you were married and then you got divorced?

The loan has to be "secured" by someone with good credit. Call the lender for their loan qualifications.

If you have cosigned for your mom how can you get your name off of the car?

I assume you mean how do you get your name off the car LOAN! The only ways to do that would be to either pay off the loan or have your mom refinance it under just her name (or get someone else to cosign THAT loan)

I have a student loan through Sallie Mae that my mother-in-law-to-be had cosigned on However when we got the statements only her name was listed on the loan Can this loan be transferred to me?

If it's a Parent PLUS loan, no. She's the borrower, not a cosigner.

How can a cosigner get out of paying for a loan?

Can't unless you get your name off the loan. The person you co signed for has to get the loan changed out of your name.

How do you get your name off of a car loan that you have cosigned?

One way is to have the other party apply for credit in his/her name and payoff the loan for which you co-signed. By doing this your obligation as a debtor has been fulfilled. If the other party is unable to obtain credit alone and they are willing to do so, the lender may be willing to substitute you as the co-signer for a person of equal or greater credit worthiness.

How can you get your ex daughter in law's name off of a loan you cosigned and your son's put on?

CALLL the lender and ask. You are not the first person to want to do this. They have guidelines for doing it.