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Yes. If your payment is due on October 01, then that is the payment for October. I'm not sure why you would think it's the September payment...

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Q: If your insurance bill is due on October 1 is that payment for September or October?
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The term usually used is a "claim".

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It is possible. Some providers will make the distinction between accepting an insurance payment and accepting it as payment in full. It is called balance billing.

Can you pay your All State Insurance bill online?

All State Insurance does have the capability to pay your insurance online. They can set up automatic draft or a one time payment.

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When a patient has insurance coverage for which the practice will create a claim the patient bill is usually done?

After the encounter and after the payer's payment is posted

Can you keep an insurance payment check if you have put the outstanding bill on your bankruptcy already?

Take it off your bankrupcy papers and pay the bill, at least the portion that the Insurance gave you. Check with your bankruptcy attorney, insurance agent or doctors office. Generally checks are sent direct to the doctor.