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No. The only way you could possibly be covered under your own insurance is if you purchase the car and have a bill of sale in your name and your State has provisions for newly acquired vehicles. You would also have to be driving the vehicle with a copy of your registration and your license plate. Always check with your insurer first to make sure they will extend coverage

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Q: If your friend has no insurance for his car can you drive it legally on your insurance?
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Can you legally drive a friend's car if you are under your parent's insurance and said car is insured by your friends family?

You would be covered by the insurance on your friend's car if you are driving it with their permission. To be safe, get the parents' permission, not just your friend's. It may be that your friend can't give a legally binding permission.

What car insurance is legally required in Tennessee?

It is required to have liability car insurance to legally drive in Tennessee.

Can you drive a car in Virginia wiyhout car insurance?

Not legally

Can you get car insurance on a car you don't own with no licence?

No because you cannot legally drive.

What are the laws regarding car insurance on this matter - if you are sick and cannot drive can a friend drive your car?

yes your friend may drive your car, but the money you owe the car insurance people, you will still pay them the money you owe them. that's the answer....................

Can you legally loan your car to a friend if it's insured to you?

You can legally loan your car to a friend, if you own it, but be prepared to pay for any damages done to or by your friend, because your insurance won't and they might cancel your policy. You must inform your insurance carrier if other persons will be driving your car.

What if a 19 year old is asked by friend to drive friend's car she hits parked car also told friend she c ouldn't drive SUV but friend insisted she drive car who's legally responsible for fixing car?

The owner of the vehicle gave permission for the friend to drive it. Insurance should cover the damage, but if it doesn't, the driver needs to ante up. She always could have said no to driving. If the accident was caused by intoxication, there may also be other consequences.

My friend has no tax or mot or insurance as his car has been of the road for some time i am thinking of buyin it can i drive it home with insurance only?

No, but you can book an MOT test for it and you are then legally entitled to drive it to the MOT testing station, provided that you are insured. Once it has been tested you can then legally drive it home from the MOT testing station, providing it has not been deemed to be "unsafe to drive."

Age to buy car insurance?

your only required to have insurance if you are legally licened to drive a car. check with your local DMV and/or highway patrol.

Do you need insurance to drive a friends car?

no just your friend dose

What do you need to know if you only want to drive legally?

If you want to drive legally you must have a valid drivers license. If you are asking about car insurance you must check with your state and ask what the state minimum for auto insurance is.

Can you get car insurance without a driver's license?

No. You cannot legally drive so they would not cover you.