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Highly unlikely.

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Q: If your car was hit and almost totaled but fixable after they fix it will you get any cash because the cost of the car has depreciated and it was the other person's fault?
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Do you still make lease payments although the lease vehicle was totaled?

I was sued by my lease company eventhough my vehicle was totaled for not paying. I'm no expert but if I were you then I would because they have no hearts.

Why is the bank reporting a car as a repossession when it was stolen and totaled and you are still paying for it?

Because the lender repossessed the car from where ever it was after being totaled.IF you had gotten the car back after it was totaled, it couldn't have been a repossession.

Will you owe taxes on a totaled car?

Not if you notify you local PVA that the car is totaled and not longer in service. You will pay taxes up to the day it was totaled.

If you roll a vehicle is it considered totaled?

Technically yes because you probably ruined or damaged the engine.

How do you determine if vehicle is totaled when burned?

A vehicle is totaled if it cost too much to repair it. Usually, insurance companies determine whether or not a vehicle is totaled.

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What do I need to do if my vehicle was totaled and I had it recycled?

What is a sentence for totaled?

This is total nonsense!My total is 52.

What is the definition of totaled?

used of automobiles; completely demolished; "the insurance adjuster declared the automobile totaled"

Can you clear a salvage title in New Jersey?

no because you just can't do it without promtoin

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Who pays when the person hits a car and that car hits another car and that car hits another car but the first car is totaled?

It is the fault of driver who was initially at fault. In this case it would be the driver of the first car, because it was because of him that the second car hit the third. if the car is totaled, that's the driver's problem

What is going to happen because you totaled your car yesterday with no insurance and a suspended drivers license?

You are going to go to jail. Enjoy!