If you payed for your car, and are the rightful owner, you make payments until until you've payed off for the car.
However, by law your required to have insurance, so that should cover some of the cost.
If you are leasing, you must pay the price of the car to buy a new one, same model, same year, same custom parts.
Not as long as you continue to make payments on it.
I was sued by my lease company eventhough my vehicle was totaled for not paying. I'm no expert but if I were you then I would because they have no hearts.
No its perfectly legal and if you are still making payments on it, that increases values.
If you own your car or house and are no longer making payments, should you still have insurance on them? Explain why or why not.
Not as long as the payments are current and have remained so.
Most lenders will allow you to continue to make the payments as the loan is. Some may modify the loan. As long as you can continue the payments, you will be ok.
NO but why would they repo if you are making payments. You don't still have to continue to make payments, however, if your car is repossessed, normally the finance company will sell the car and you owe any deficiency balance. In other words, let's say you still owe $5000 on your car and the finance company sells the car at auction for $4000. They will eventually contact you and you will owe the $1000 difference.
If you've got full coverage insurance, make a claim. They should take over payments. You'll be car-less, but won't owe anymore.
Depends on what you mean by
Sell or continue to make the payments. Do not let the car be repossed. This would hurt your credit and is the last thing to do.