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If you are insured for 'full coverage' or possibly 'uninsured motorist', yes. In a standard liability policy you would probably not be covered.

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Q: If your car is parked in a supermarket car park an d you RETURN to it and find someone has reversed into it am i insured for the damage?
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If the loan had a government guarantee or insured aspect, and your in collection status, yes.

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If you know the identity of the insurance company or the insurance agent that sold it to the insured, you can call. However, if you are not the insured, they will want to know the reason for your call and your authority to call on the insured's behalf. If the insured has died and you have reason to believe that you were the beneficiary of the policy, ask the insurer to send you a life insurance claim form. You will have to supply information about yourself, the name of the insured, and the policy number. Fill out the claim form and return it to the insurer. It may have to investigate to determine whether you are the correct recipient of policy benefits.

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That issue should be addressed in the court order that "reversed" the prior child support order. You need to review the file. If there were arrears owed the amount should have fixed in the new order. If not, you need to return to court for a ruling.That issue should be addressed in the court order that "reversed" the prior child support order. You need to review the file. If there were arrears owed the amount should have fixed in the new order. If not, you need to return to court for a ruling.That issue should be addressed in the court order that "reversed" the prior child support order. You need to review the file. If there were arrears owed the amount should have fixed in the new order. If not, you need to return to court for a ruling.That issue should be addressed in the court order that "reversed" the prior child support order. You need to review the file. If there were arrears owed the amount should have fixed in the new order. If not, you need to return to court for a ruling.

Can the Department of Education legally take your federal tax return to pay overdue bills?

The student federally insured loans can. States it in your paperwork when you apply.

What is the business term if the client only pays what they used like for example if you provided items to a supermarket and they only paid the sold ones?

It sounds like 'Sale or Return' when a customer may return any items that have not be used or sold. For instance, a customer may buy several crates of beer from a supermarket or off-licence, on the understanding that the customer is allowed to return any crates unused, (usually full crates rather than individual beer bottles), and get money back.

How can chemical change be reserved?

Chemical changes cannot be reversed because they involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. Once a chemical reaction occurs, it is usually not possible to return the reactants to their original state.

Can you explain life insurance in very simple terms?

Very basically, insurance is a contract (called an insurance policy) between one party (the insurance company) and another (the insured). In the case of life insurance, it is a life that is being insured. In return for the periodic payment of money (called a premium) to the insurance company, the insurance company agrees to pay a sum of money when the insured (whose life is insured) dies. The money is generally paid to the person (or sometimes an entity, such as a charity) that is designated in the insurance policy as the beneficiary. The beneficiary is designated by the insured when the insured buys the insurance but can usually be changed up until the time of death.