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call for help, try to fix it, walk to gas station

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Q: If your car broke down on the side of the road what would you do?
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Who would you call first if your call broke down on the side of the road?

AAA Partner

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Charging light is on what does this mean?

Your charging system is not working and your running off the battery only. If you continue to drive you will find yourself broke down on the side of the road soon. Get to a garage asap.

Which side does a woman stand when being escorted?

The traditional side is that when walking down an everyday street the man would be nearest the road (curb) and the woman farthest away from the road (nearest the front of the buildings).

Can you drive your ford expediton if the battery light is on?

yes you can but only until the battery goes flat either the battery or the alternator is bad drive it to a shop or you will end up broke down on the side of the road

How many trucks are driving on the road?

All of them except for the ones broken down on the side of the road.

What side of the road would you drive on in Austria and on what side of the car is the steering wheel?

Right side of the road, left side of the car for the steering wheel.

How many people break down on the side of the road?

According IT IS: 3,000

Lyrics for I hope your car breaks down on the side of the road?

did you look for:Pray for You - Jaron and The Long Road to Love :

What side of the road do motorists drive on?

In the UK, you would want drive on the left side of the road, like everybody else. In the US, you would drive on the right side of the road, like everybody else.

What does a reflectorised triangle placed on the side of the road mean?

there is a brake down ahead

What do you do if you feel dizzy?

lie down and rest. pull to the side of the road and stop.