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Yes, he is still a minor and as such you may be held liable for his actions.

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Q: If your 16 year old son has an auto accident and the vehicle is in his name and the insurance is in his name can you be sued?
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Can I get away with dropping my auto insurance?

I do not have a particular website to answer your question. I do know, however, that if you drive with no auto insurance it is against the law. Also, if you do get in an accident you are not covered for your injuries. Also, if the accident is your fault, you can get a hefty lawsuit served in your name. Keep shopping for cheaper insurance. Do not drive without auto insurance.

Can you get auto insurance if you do not own a car?

Yes you can, it's called a named non-owned policy. It covers you to drive a vehicle you do not own, and it only covers you to drive a vehicle that does not have insurance. If you borrow a friends car and have a name non-woned vehicle and have an accident, the insurance follows the vehicle, so their insurance will pay. That company may subrogate and come after you then it would be up to your insurance company to decide if they'd accept liability.

If your name is on the car loan and your 19-year-old gets her own insurance will you have any legal liability if she is involved in an accident?

The Insurance Company, Then The Name On The Title Of The Auto. If It Got To That. If There Is Insurance On The Auto In Her Name All Should Be OK. Best To You

How do you find vehicle owners car insurance if the vehicle was being driven by someone other than the vehicle owner?

The owners name and address should be listed on the accident report as well as the driver of the vehicle and who was at fault in the accident.

You were in a car accident had insurance but the car was totaled and the car was not in your name Do you get compensated to get a new vehicle?

no you won`t get it. You require both car insurance and it must be registered on your name.

Is the mother of an 18 year old living at home responsible for damages he causes in an auto accident if the car and insurance are in his name?


If you were involved in an accident that was your fault and had no insurance can your husband be held liable in a judgment My husbands name is on the vehicle with mine in IL?


Do you have to have auto insurance for child if they don't live with you?

If the child drives any of your vehicles, yes. If the vehicle is in the child's name, no.

Is there a cutoff age for your son to add a car in his name to your insurance policy if he is NOT living with you and is 24?

Ther is no specific cutoff age. The question is This. Do you have a financial interest in insuring his vehicle or it's insurance?. If you have no financial interest in his auto insurance coverage, then legally you can not insure it. To understand "Financial Interest" in laymans terms ask yourself this question. If he has an accident what are my losses or what is my liability exposure. If the answer is none, Then you can not legally enter into an insurance contract for his vehicle. As an adult on his own, unless you are a cosiigner on his vehicle finance note, then you really do not have a financial interest in his motor vehicle.

Can i get auto insurance after a repossession?

If you have a repossession on your record and you have purchased a new vehicle, you will have no difficulty purchasing insurance. While some states allow auto insurance providers to check the credit history of applicants to determine their auto insurance rates, not all states do this. Even states that check credit history for premium ratings cannot deny you insurance strictly because you have a repossession on your record. While your premiums will be higher in the states that use credit history, you will be able to find insurance through large name insurers. The primary concern of the insurance company is your driving record and accident history. If you have a bad record, you have a more difficult time finding insurance and you may have to insure your vehicle through a high risk insurance company.

Is my husband covered if auto and auto insurance are in my name?

Your husband must be on your policy to be covered. In some States you have to ad your spouse to the policy regardless if they will drive your vehicle or not.

What happens if you let a friend drive your car that is insured and registered in your name and she has an accident will that affect you at all?

Yes. It is your car, you are responsible.Owners LiabilitySince you state that the vehicle and the insurance is in your name. Then presumably your insurance will have to pay the bill. That means the accident will go on your insurance claims record and can effect your insurance rates for the next 3 to 5 years.Remember that a vehicle owner and the driver are both equally, severally and jointly 100% liable financially for any damages or injuries arising from the permissive use of your vehicle.