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I would consult with an Attorney, otherwise you may end up paying for some of your medical bills out of your own pocket after the final settlement. Insurance companies tend not to play fair, whether it be your insurance or the other parties. And ask people you know if they can refer you to a good Attorney, as oppossed to those who advertise on T.V. A consultation with an Attorney is always free and worth the time. Hope this helps.

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Q: If you turned your medical bills over to your insurance should he include these costs even if the other person's adjuster wants you to pay medical bills out of the final settlement?
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I signed an auto insurance settlement for medical. can I change my mind?

No, by signing the settlement you are waving the insurance company and the opperator from any further liability.

Steps to processing an insurance claim?

Claim is reported to carrier. Claim is assigned to an adjuster. Adjuster reviews claim contacts all parties (generally) takes recorded statements from all parties (including witnesses), requests police report if there is one. Adjuster determines liability. Adjuster determines damages (either writes estimate themselves, requests estimates, hires an independent appraiser etc). Adjuster issues payment for damages, (including paying rental if so required) If injury claim; Adjuster (after completing all above), requests a medical authorization to gather medical reports/bills etc. When injured party has been released from physician, and 'healed' adjuster offers and negotiates settlement.

Can a health insurance take your settlement if there are going to be medical expenses for a lifetime in Connecticut?

Yes. The health insuror's subrogation rights entitle them to 100% reimbursement of all medical expenses. However, unless your attorney is totally incompetent, she will include the health insuror in the settlement negotiations and fix their payment in the deal.

Will your insurance pay the medicare lien if the other parties insurance liability is not sufficient to cover the entire settlement amount?

No. I assume that you were in a car accident and that you had injuries. I assume that you had medical expenses that were not covered by insurance. I assume that you own a house and there is a lien on that house to pay the cost of the medical care. I assume that the insurance settlement took 2-3 years to settle. I assume that your settlement amount paid by the other driver's insurance policy was less than the cost of your medical care. There is no other "insurance" to rely upon to pay the cost of the medical are that was not covered by your insurance and that was not covered in full by the amount of money you received from the other driver's insurance company.

Do you have to use the adjuster your insurance gives you for a damage estimate?

No, you do not have to use the Adjuster your insurance company gives you for a damage estimate. You can be your own adjuster by getting 3rd party bids for repair or replacement, along with any other covered expenses, like towing and a rent car and medical bills, add it all up and present to your insurance company for payment. Instead of presenting them to your adjuster, ask to work directly with the manager of that office, or go straight to the insurance company. I work as a Public Adjuster, for the Insured, not the Insurance Company. Public Adjusters usually work on property claims and they help homeowners collect the maximum amount possible after a fire or flood.

Who reimburse your health insurance provider that paid for medical bills if you received a settlement from your auto insurance you or auto insurance?

The insurance company would pay them directly to make sure they are paid.

Dose medicaid take from insurance settlements?

Yes, to recover cost of medical care that for which the defendant in the settlement was liable.

Where can one apply for medical health insurance?

One can apply for medical health insurance from many different companies. Some companies that offer medical health insurance include SFHSA, Medi-Cal, and eHealthInsurance.

Where can one purchase individual medical insurance?

One can purchase individual medical insurance from various medical insurance companies that include Blue Cross, Medicaid, Humane and United Way all of which are good options.

Torn medial meniscus and partial tear of laterial meniscus settlement?

Settlement for a torn medial meniscus and partial tear of the lateral meniscus would depend on various factors such as the extent of the injury, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and impact on daily activities. Settlement amounts can vary widely but typically include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and potential future medical care if needed. It's advisable to consult with a personal injury attorney for guidance on negotiating a fair settlement with the responsible party or their insurance company.

What companies offer medical insurance in the UK?

There are many companies that offer medical insurance in the UK. Some of the most popular insurance companies include 'Saga', 'Staysure', 'Bupa', 'Simplyhealh' and 'Aviva'.