Probably not. You damaged it during the commission of an illegal act (DUI). If you hadn't totalled it, the state would have probably confiscated it anyway.
No. The vehicle is worth what the vehicle is worth, no matter how it was totaled
I was ticketed for dui but was never arrested. Will this help me out in court?
yes if you have collision coverage barring any exclusions in your policy to the contrary.
This depends on the company and their policy. DUI's do not automatically exclude you from selling insurance. Felonies will on the other hand.
She was arrested for DUI
Texas has one of the most stringent DUI laws in all the 50 states. If you are convicted of a dui you will need to add additional liability coverage to your policy. Possible $25,000 more per accident.
I didnt get arrested but its says i have a DUI
Hopefully, no one gets hurt. Then, you get a ticket for no insurance.
You need motorcycle insurance if you have a motorcycle. The DUI is a ticket.