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Civil suit in small claims court.

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Q: If you sue someone for refusing to pay for your mailbox when they accidentally knocked it down with a car what would your action be called?
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Can I put mail in someone else's mailbox?

no it is illegal t open someone else's mailbox

Why can't people swim without a lifeguard?

Because it is considered dangerous; if someone was to be accidentally knocked unconcsience and floated down and drowned, he/she would be hard to save unless there was a qualified lifeguard there.

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Somehow, my earthlink mailbox got messed up. How can I reinstall it to fix the problem?

Can you leave a note in someone's mailbox?

No, only stamped mail delivered by the Postal Service can legally be placed in a mailbox.

Does Howrse look in your private mailbox?

No they dont. They only look in your private mailbox if someone has reported you or sometimes if you blok a player or they block you.

What does it mean when we accident tell what we did with someone?

When you accidentally tell someone something is that you accidentally reveal a secret which you were not supposed to reveal.

What does choosing is refusing mean?

Choosing means to accept an offer from someone. Refusing means to put down, or to not accept an offer.

Can you legally put a check in someone's mailbox to pay a bill?

No. Mailboxes are protected property. Everything placed into a mailbox should be stamped and posted.

Is it legal to open someone's mailbox and put in an opened beer can?

US postal regulations state nothing but US mail can be put into a mailbox

What is a sentence with the word insistently?

I can give you several sentences.He asked me insistently until I gave in to his demands.The wolf's hunger insistently drove her to leave her puppies and hunt for food.He proclaimed his innocence insistently.