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if i need nee replacement can i clam it on accident insurance

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Q: If you need a nee replacement can you use sick and accident insurance?
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What is covered by commonwealth insurance?

The things that are covered by Commonwealth insurance are things such as getting into a car accident, house burning down, and hospital stays when a person is sick.

Where can I find travel assist insurance?

Travel assist insurance is very important in case you have an accident or fall sick on your vacation. You can learn more information online at

How do sick people get life insurance?

You need a good agent or broker with access to substandard life insurance companies. I'm an insurance broker.

Do young people need health insurance if their healthy?

They should because they could get sick.

What type of trip insurance is available and through which companies?

Choosing trip insurance is a wise choice in case you have an accident or fall sick while you are away. To learn more online, head over to or

Need of social insurance in india?

India just like many countries in the word has many people who are sick and unemployed. The country therefore needs social insurance.

Do i need professional liability insurance for my buisness?

I think you are required to have insurance on your bakery in case someone gets hurt, or sick there. That way if you get sued, you don't have to pay out of pocket.

Can your health insurance can be cancelled if you get sick?


Why you need travel insurance?

There are several reasons why this is a good idea. Travel insurance is particularly important for international travel, but some of the following reasons may apply to domestic travel as well. 1) Your medical insurance may not cover you if you get sick or have an accident in a foreign country. 2) If you have spent a lot of money planning a trip and get sick, or have a family member get sick or die, or many of other reasons that could stop you from making the trip, then that money won't be lost. 3) If you get stuck somewhere due to weather conditions then the travel insurance will cover your expenses for hotel, car, food, etc. 4) If your luggage gets lost or destroyed and is not completely covered by the airline or other transportation provider, your travel insurance may cover the rest. 5) If you miss a connection, then your travel insurance may cover the costs of alternate flights or other associated expenses.

Is it cheaper to get insurance or pay for doctors visit if not often sick?

Medical Insurance is not just for paying doctors and prescriptions when sick. It is there for emergency medical needs. In the case you are in an accident and require intimidate, emergency treatment, the hospital bill can cost upwards of $200,000. Without insurance, you are paying the entire bill yourself, but with insurance you may only have to pay a couple thousand dollars out of pocket, and raised premiums (if that). Also consider that when you do get sick, most prescription medications cost hundreds per refill. With the insurance co-pay, the price is dropped to a reasonable $30.00 or less. So in the short run, health insurance is much like throwing money away, but in the long run (especially after you reach an age where you can't get insurance) it will be a significant return on your investment.

Do I need medical evacuation insurance?

This depends largely on what type of risks you face. If you are always sick, you might want the insurance to ensure that you will not be forced out of a hospital or face paying above average fees.

Why you have employer paid health insurance?

Some employers pay health insurance because they feel that if you give it to your employees they will be more likely to go get regular checkups. This means fewer sick days, and so less staff you need in total to fill in for someone who is sick, in the end saving you money.