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NOPE. No state requires lenders to tewll you that you are in "repo status". The lender desire for you to make the payments will sometimes give you a clue.

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Q: If you live in Florida does a creditor have to notify you if your car is in repo status?
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They can garnish your wages regardless of where you live or work. * Not usually, as South Carolina does not allow the garnishment of wages for creditor debt. However, if the creditor sues the debtor and wins a judgment the creditor can sometimes use UCC laws to attempt to override a state statute.

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Lions do not live in Florida but the Florida panther does. It is a subspecies of the cougar.

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Yes, Stingray live in Florida.

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Norfolk Terrier dogs live in Florida. Newfoundland dogs live in Florida.

What part of Florida do Florida panthers live in?

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Does Florida have prairie dogs?

No, prairie dogs are not native to Florida. They are typically found in more central and western parts of North America, such as the Great Plains region.