You don't need auto insurance if you don't have a vehicle. Even if you were driving your parents' or other family member's car, their insurance should cover you. Every lisenced driver in the household should be listed on their policy, even if they will never drive the vehicle.
You still need to have at least liability insurance. Other wise when you do get a vehicle, you will be considered as having a lapse in coverage which in turn makes you a risky client to insure and your premiums will be more. By keeping you on any family members policy will aleave you of this problem. And keep you from paying the higher prices.
no no matter what you need license to drive legally
I am pretty sure you need insurance in every state except Wisconsin to get your license. In Wisconsin it is only illegal to have an accident without insurance (how silly is that!?). In ANY event, you should always have insurance to drive.
You should get car insurance when you have your drivers license and you are regularly driving a car. With you license it is legal to drive someone else's car on a rare occasion as long as they have insurance, you will be covered. This however cannot be habit, and must not be part of a regular routine (borrowing the car every Thursday) So if you own a car, have your drivers license, or regularly drive someone elses car, you should have insurance or be put as an occasional driver on someone elses car.
should i tell about my children have driver license live with me some time they drive
Yes, you will need insurance to drive with a CDL license.
If your license is valid and you have the minimum required insurance yes you can.
Yes, you must have insurance to have a license. It is illegal to drive otherwise.
You need a driver's license. You should also have a car avialable to drive.
A license, a vehicle, and insurance.
Only people with a license and car insurance are legal to drive a car, though many people without a license and/or insurance drive cars daily.
it is possible that they know HOW to drive a car, but they cannot get a license until they are 16, should they drive without a license there will be a huge fine because it is highly illegal to drive without a license and insurance.
No. If they are going to drive the family car you can, if the insurance company allows it, but they should really have their own insurance.